Daniel Yurovsky
Peekbank: An open, large-scale repository for developmental eye-tracking data of children's word recognition
How well do LSTM language models learn filler-gap dependencies?
Communicative pressure on caregivers leads to language input that supports children's word learning
Learning communicative acts in children's conversations: a Hidden Topic Markov Model analysis of the CHILDES corpus
Characterizing the typical information curves of diverse languages
Peekbank: Exploring children's word recognition through an open, large-scale repository for developmental eye-tracking data
A common framework for quantifying the learnability of nouns and verbs
Children know what words other children know
Cross-situational Learning From Ambiguous Egocentric Input Is a Continuous Process: Evidence Using the Human Simulation Paradigm
Learning communicative acts in children's conversations: a Hidden Topic Markov Model analysis of the CHILDES corpus
Listeners use descriptive contrast to disambiguate novel referents and make inferences about novel categories
Parents fine-tune their speech to children's vocabulary knowledge
Variability and consistency in early language learning: The Wordbank project
Children hear more about what is atypical than what is typical
Parents scaffold the formation of conversational pacts with their children
childes-db: a flexible and reproducible interface to the Child Language Data Exchange System
Consistency and variability in children's word learning across languages
Parents calibrate speech to their children's vocabulary knowledge
Parents' linguistic alignment predicts children's language development
Pressure to communicate across knowledge asymmetries leads to pedagogically supportive language input
A communicative approach to early word learning
Children gesture when speech is slow to come
A collaborative approach to infant research: Promoting reproducibility, best practices, and theory-building
Beyond naı̈ve cue combination: Salience and social cues in early word learning
Preschoolers flexibly adapt to linguistic input in a noisy channel
Social cues modulate the representations underlying cross-situational learning
Wordbank: An open repository for developmental vocabulary data
A robust framework for estimating linguistic alignment in Twitter conversations
Competition between multiple words for a referent in cross-situational word learning
From uh-oh to tomorrow: Predicting age of acquisition for early words across languages
Linguistic input is tuned to children's developmental level
Using tablets to collect data from young children
An Integrative Account of Constraints on Cross-Situational Learning
Developmental Changes in the Relationship Between Grammar and the Lexicon
Large-scale investigations of variability in children's first words
Referential cues modulate attention and memory during cross-situational word learning
Signatures of domain-general categorization mechanisms in color word learning
Statistical word learning is a continuous process: Evidence from the human simulation paradigm
Beyond naı̈ve cue combination: Salience and social cues in early word learning
The role of partial knowledge in statistical word learning
The role of partial knowledge in statistical word learning
Competitive processes in cross-situational word learning
Developmental and postural changes in children's visual access to faces
Online processing of speech and social Information in early word learning
Probabilistic cue combination: Less is more
Statistical word learning at scale: The baby's view is better
Does statistical word learning scale? It's a matter of perspective
Quantitative linking hypotheses for infant eye movements
Quantitative linking hypotheses for infant eye movements
Statistical speech segmentation and word learning in parallel: Scaffolding from child-directed speech
Model selection for eye movements: Assessing the role of attentional cues in infant learning
Visual data mining: An exploratory approach to analyzing temporal patterns of eye movements
Linking learning to looking: Habituation and association in infant statistical language learning.
Statistical speech segmentation and word learning in parallel
The active role of partial knowledge in cross-situational word learning
Mutual exclusivity in cross-situational statistical learning